Guide on How to Write University Essays, Courseworks, Assignments and Dissertations

Tourism Management Opens A World Of Career Opportunities

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According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, this century will be dominated by three industries and one of them is Tourism. This makes good sense based upon the tourism industry’s growth since 1982, which exceeds 500%. This year, worldwide tourists are expected to spend over $850 billion in foreign nations on tourism-related activities. This industry, generally referred to as the travel and tourism industry since the two are inseparable, is composed of a very-wide range of individual industries that include hotels & motels (hospitality); restaurants; retailing business; transportation (airlines, cruise lines, rail and automotive); travel agencies; tour organisations; tourist attractions; leisure, recreation & sport and cultural industries. The need for qualified individuals skilled in the area of tourism management has never been better.


Another interesting statistic about tourism as an industry is the fact that it accounts for 10.5% of all world employment with percentages much higher in specific geographic locations where the industry is the primary source of business income. That 10.5% figure totals more than 100-million people employed around the globe. Tourism has also evolved from its earlier roots of sunshine, sand and sea holidays. Today, it embraces an entire new spectrum of activities that include adventure tourism, eco-tourism, cultural tourism and sports and leisure activities. Young people have been flocking to college and university enrolment to prepare themselves for worldwide career opportunities in the combined studies of tourism management and hotel and restaurant management that are heavily inter-related. In many cases, joint degrees are available in both fields. (The International Educational Site, 2007)


What Knowledge Is Required For A Tourism Management Career?


In order to be qualified for employment positions in tourism management, considerable education and skills are required. This is true because of the very-wide range of employment locations and different types of business organisations that this industry encompasses. Nevertheless, there are some basic, personality and interest-related factors that make an individual well suited to the tourism management industry. These include:


ü       Enjoying outdoor activities and being willing to work outdoors

ü       Physical agility and stamina along with enjoyment of physical activities.

ü       Good verbal and written communications abilities

ü       The ability to motivate others and a basic fondness for other people

ü       An ‘Enjoy Life’ attitude and good people inter-actions

ü       Willingness to be a team player and work with others toward a common goal

ü       Leadership and supervisory skills for directing others in various activities

ü       Interest in travel and experiencing a wide range of different cultures


It is also helpful if young people preparing for tourism management careers to develop some proficiencies in one or more foreign languages, knowledge of U.K or U.S. geography, history and social customs, working with people of all ages and backgrounds and a broad range of liberal arts including athletics, music, arts & crafts, nature, dance, drama and club structures. (University of Tennessee, 2004)


For most business organisations, an undergraduate degree is acceptable for entry-level recreational positions. A graduate degree is generally necessary for administrative positions and for teaching or research. It is also helpful to take part in part-time, summer, internship or volunteer positions at recreation/fitness centres, playgrounds, summer camps, or social service organisations.




Kirk, D. (2007) “Careers in Hospitality and Tourism Management” The International Educational Site

Available from: saap5a03.htm

Accessed: 10-26-07


University of Tennessee (2004) “Recreation and Tourism Management”

Available from: majors/pdf/recreation.pdf

Accessed: 10-26-07

C/T/59. Destination Marketing Management: case study of Roswell

S/T/38. Changing Times, Changing Operations? Discuss reasons why tour operators now face intense competition not just from other operators selling similar products, but from all suppliers and distributors along the holiday distribution chain and analyse the impact this has had on the traditional package process

S/T/34. Tourism Policy Plan Analysis: Sitka Visitor Industry Plan Evaluation, Alaska, USA

S/T/41. Managing and marketing tourism: How can tour operators use the Internet to overcome the problems of intangibility and perishability in selling holiday packages? Use examples of good practice

S/T/28. How could marketing techniques assist in the development and promotion of more responsible and less damaging tourism practices which might reduce the negative impacts of tourism in developed and developing countries?

E/T/20. Government and tourism

E/EI/28. Internet in the work of tour operators

E/T/17. Law and Management of Leisure Services: Health and Safety Responsibilities of Alton Towers Management Regarding the Area of Theme Park Rides

P/T/49. Adventure tourism: risks and management

C/T/37. Romance Tourism vs. Sex Tourism

P/T/44. Sport events and sports tourism

C/T/35. Social and Cultural Construction of Space

C/T/34. Travel and Tourism Management Exam

P/T/41. Report on French government tourist office MDLF

C/T/33. Tourism Planning, Political Ideologies, and Socio-Economic and Spatial Structures of Tourism Development: The Case of Turkey and Istanbul

P/T/39. Why do we go on holiday?

P/T/34. Sustainable tourism in London Zoo: evaluation of management practices

C/T/24. Issues on Sustainable Tourism

P/T/29. Tourism development problems in the Third World

C/T/20. Authenticity in Tourism

C/T/19. Book Review: The Invention of Tradition

C/T/18. Importance of Age Population in Leisure Activities

C/T/14. Decision making in tourism industry: soft and hard systems approaches.

S/T/21. Transportation for the Future

S/T/20. The main methods of transportation and their regulation

S/T/14. 2001-2002: A bad year for the UK tourism industry

C/T/44. Tourism: 'Quest for Authentic' vs. 'Marginalization of Space'

S/M/38. The Risk Analysis and Review of the Competitive Environment of St. Petersburg (Russia)

C/M/106. "Destination branding has become the basis for survival within a globally competitive marketplace". Discuss.

P/T/22. City Tourism

P/T/23. Analysis of effectiveness of York's Visitor Management policy

P/T/19. "Heritage is a broad term covering all types of tourism where heritage…is at the heart of the tourism product". Discuss.

P/B/176. Globalisation as a force for promoting positive social and political change in the developing world

E/T/10. The Present, Past and Future of Tourism in Thailand, and the Economic and Social Factors, as well as Policies that play a major role in its Growth and Sustainability

C/T/10. Outline the principles of Fair Trade/Ethical tourism, and consider the extend to which tour operators might benefit from adopting "fairer" business practices. What factors can prevent economic benefits of tourism from reaching destination communities? Illustrate your points with relevant examples.

P/T/10. What makes a good tourist attraction: features, visitors, income, catchments area, repeat visitors, safety and special needs and visitor experience.

P/T/11. Cultural Regeneration

P/T/13. To what extent is there a need for tourism development planning at all levels?

S/B/11. PEST analysis of Tourism industry

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