Guide on How to Write University Essays, Courseworks, Assignments and Dissertations

How and where to review the literature
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Before starting the literature search you should undertake further planning by:

Ø       Defining parameters of your search (language, subject area; business sector; geographical area; publication period; literature type)

Ø       Generating keywords and search terms

Ø       Discussing your ideas as widely as possible


There are different sources where you can obtain the information:

Ø       Books: there you can find basic theories on your dissertation topic

Ø       Academic Journals: the most important resource (Remember that you should cover on your dissertation not just basic theories, but also the most recent and advanced research). There are different databases of academic journals such as ScienceDirect, Emerald, Infotrac, and etc (Databases of Academic Journals and Publications; Market Data). Go to the library or your lectures and ask for the login and password to access these databases: your university has to have such access!!!

Ø       Publications: for example, publications of the organisation that you are researching (i.e. NHS, banks, government bodies, IMF, World Bank, etc)

Ø       Reports: there are different reports in different areas, for example, report on UK airline industry or on UK public services, etc. You can get such reports via Internet, via contacting the organisation that is publisher, or you can search Mintel. Moreover, the financial reports of different organisations and companies are always publicly available on their web sites

Ø       Search engines: such as Google, Yahoo, Lycos, MSN, etc for the most recent information and news


Collect as many as possible articles and publications related to your subject, read through all of them (at least abstracts or executive summaries) and make notes as a plan of your future literature review section.


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Examples of Literature Reviews:


C/B/3063. Literature Review. Evaluation of business ethics and cross cultural management

C/P/296. Literature Review. Causes of Islamic Terrorism

C/M/1670. Literature review. Relations between brand equity and consumer buying decisions

C/M/1663. Literature Review. Theory of customer relationship management

C/LI/78. Literature review. Evaluation of lean management and performance improvement

C/B/2953. Literature review. Inter-cultural communication: Case study of Kenya and France

C/M/1643. Literature Review. Evaluation of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and branding

C/B/2952. Literature review. Business ethics in a cross-cultural environment

C/B/2949. Literature Review. Overview of the family business

C/L/635. Literature Review. Feminism in Islam: comparison of Egypt and Saudi Arabia

C/HR/785. HRM in Indian pharmaceutical companies: literature review

C/EC/158. Literature Review and Methodology. Children and Domestic violence

C/LI/65. Literature review. Online Grocery Retailing: case study of Waitrose

C/N/413. Literature Review. Culturing of different Streptomyces strains and antibiotics.

C/HR/776. Literature review. The relationship between motivation and performance of human resources

C/HR/762. Motivation and Performance Related Pay: Literature Review

C/E/538. Literature Review. Foreign Currency Forecasting during Crisis

C/M/1532. Literature Review. What motivates customers in their purchasing decisions for 3's products in the London market?

C/OM/251. Literature review Design and management of supply chain for perishable goods: case study of cut flower supplier.

C/C/198. Literature Review. Review of pattern recognition and clustering techniques as a tool for monitoring cyber crime with particular focus on Russia

C/L/567. Literature Review. Comparative study in contemporary interviewing practice in criminal cases in the UK and Saudi Arabia

C/HR/701. Literature review. How do workers' attitudes to risk help determine the optimal compensation scheme to encourage innovation?

C/T/130. Literature review on destination marketing and destination branding

C/HR/686. Career women and flexible working hours. Literature Review

C/N/353. Folate supplementation and congenital heart defects: Literature review