Social policy relates to guidelines for the changing, maintenance
or creation of living conditions that are conducive to human welfare. Thus social
policy is that part of public policy that has to do with social issues (wikipedia2007 [online]). Social policy aims to benefit the intervals at every level of the society, creating a social policy that actually benefits all levels of the society is a challenging task. This Herculean task is
carried out mostly by the politicians and the administrative authorities in a nation.
policies are formulated keeping in mind the problems and requirements of the society of a particular nation. Human welfare
is the most important aim of the social policy. Human welfare includes education,
health of the citizens, housing and their social security. social policies regulate the human behaviour related issues like
moral issues along with other issues such as issues related to gender, sexuality etc. today the social policies are also formulated for the issues such as marriage, divorce, abortion, euthanasia, adoption,
abortion, welfare of the homeless, poverty and other problems of the present era.
Health issues are a major concern for almost all nations.
In all the countries social policies are formulated for assisting people who are facing health concerns. Social policies are
formulated to help the people who are in need of assistance due to physical as well as mental disorders. Social policies create
employment options for people who are physically challenged. Social policies create capital for such people and handicapped
to get those loans on much lower rates. Apart from these social policies are formulated for the welfare to people who are
facing health problems such as cancer, aids and other serious diseases (wikipedia2007 (online)).
social policies are a great assistance for people who do social work. People
who are engaged in social work assist the people who cannot help them selves.
These social workers work towards the eradication of the social problems. In many countries its s essential that the social work organizations register them selves with the government. The social workers although are not required to hold any specific qualification to work in this field (Syed 2007).
Social work organizations work towards the betterment of
the society. Social policies take care that the social work organization gets
enough grants from the government so that they function properly and work towards the betterment of the society. Social work organisations work greatly towards resolving the health
issues in the society. Today the major health issue in most of the
countries is HIV. A lot of social work organizations are working for the welfare
of people who are facing this health concern. apart from this the social work
organization are looking into health concerns that are caused due to pollution, industrialization etc. the social work organizations are looking into the health issues
related to the women that are worse in developing and under developed countries as compared to developed countries. The health issues of the children are other important field towards which many social work organizations are working. The social
work organizations carry out researches and submit the report to the government so that social policies for such issues.
development by M.H Syed[online
source], Last accessed 5 November 2007.