Guide on How to Write University Essays, Courseworks, Assignments and Dissertations

Service Quality Comes From Many Sources Within A Business

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When customers purchase any service, they expect to be satisfied not only with the service, but also with the company that provided it. It is this customer satisfaction that results in important repeat business; without it, most organisations would lose their customers to competitors. Customer loyalty is that important to business success and companies must develop service quality in a variety of ways.


Service organisations face a number of challenges. Not the least of these is to meet their customer’s needs while they remain economically competitive. Service industries are still labour-intensive, despite technologies that automate many of their processes. And when it comes to service quality, nothing is more important than good personal interaction between company representatives and customers. Organisations that earn a competitive advantage over their competitors are those that provide the greatest customer value through a combination of technological advances and service-oriented employees.


To provide true service quality, businesses must understand and continually strive to improve their operations; identify problems quickly and move to resolve them; establish and maintain important measures of service performance and learn to measure customer satisfaction and other results of their methods. They must understand that even though they don’t manufacture and market physical products, their service is just as important to their customers, and that a customer’s opinion of their service has as much to do with perception as it does reality. The latter is true primarily because customer satisfaction is basically a psychological state. (American Society for Quality, 2007).


While most measurements of a customer’s perception of a firm’s service quality are obtained through surveys, maintaining a close relationship with them provides equally important insight into how they perceive the company’s offerings. More often than not, this is as much a perception based upon their relationship with the company employees with whom they have contact. This underscores the importance of sales people, installers and repairmen having the proper training in customer satisfaction techniques. Studies have shown that these relationships play a vital role in how customers view the service they purchased.


Basically, there are steps the employees of service organisations should take to start down the road to competence in heir relationships with the company’s customers. These include: Encouraging face-to-face contacts at least once or twice during a project; responding promptly to messages, inquiries or complaints; keeping customers informed of status during a lengthy project; being approachable and friendly at all times whether in person, by telephone or in writing; understanding and utilising a clearly-defined service quality, ethic and policy; paying close attention to details and remembering to do the little things such as sending a thank you for your business note; a company Christmas card or e-mail confirmations of appointments; always honouring promises and going the extra mile to be helpful and accommodating.


Service quality is customer service and it is a practiced ‘art’ that gets easier and better the more you it is applied in everyday operations. Employees should always remember to stop for a minute, put themselves in the customer’s place and ask themselves, “What would I do if I were the customer?” (sitepoint, 2002).




Walzak, R. (2007), “Quality in Service”, American Society for Quality.

Available from: http://www.asq,org/services/ why_quality/overview.html

Accessed: 10-23-07


Thompson, A. (2002), “Customer Satisfaction in 7 Steps”,

Available from: satisfaction-7-steps

Accessed: 10-23-07

C/M/624. Measuring service quality in hospitality industry: rationale for employing gap model

C/M/613. Measuring service quality in hospitality industry

C/M/606. Issues in the Service Delivery Management: Case study of EAT.

C/M/573. Service quality and Customer satisfaction

C/M/625. Service Quality Gap Analysis of a Hospital in Middle East using SERVQUAL

S/M/294. Suitability of SERVQUAL approach to monitor service quality in the public sector (UK)

C/M/546. Service Quality Management: Commerce Bank & Alaska Airline

S/M/276. Dissertation. Measuring service quality of a Vietnamese bank

E/M/144. Quality of service: case study of Russell and Bromley Retirement Homes

E/M/112. Product Operations Management and Services Quality

C/M/253. Dissertation. The importance of service training for the improvement of service quality

C/M/234. Service Quality in Financial Services of HSBC

P/PS/31. Customer satisfaction and service quality

C/M/142. Dissertation. Measuring service quality in a Hotel

C/M/104. Investigate the ways in which financial services firms can get to know their customers better and how they can evaluate their performance in delivering quality services.


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