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Research in Social Sciences: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

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Research in social sciences largely depends on measurements and analysis and interpretation of numerical as well as non numerical data. Quantitative research methods focus on statistical approaches and qualitative methods are based on content analysis, comparative analysis, grounded theory, and interpretation (Strauss, 1990). Quantitative methods emphasise on objective measurements and numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires or surveys and qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena through interviews, personal comments etc. Quantitative and qualitative methods are studied within the context of positivistic and phenomenological paradigms (, 2006).


The applications of research methods could be studied in the context of business and management or in social psychology to understand a social process. Some of the basic tools for qualitative or quantitative research are related to data collection methods which can be case studies, questionnaires or interviews (Simon et al, 1985). Research methods in management focus on leadership studies and leadership issues are examined in accordance with contingency theory and organisational theory. The effects of leadership are best studied with the help of qualitative or quantitative research methods and analyses of questionnaires sent to participants in management positions.


Research methods are however focused not just on management issues but also on social process for example a study on the interaction between age, physical exercise and gender. Some disadvantages and possible flaws of such methods may be related to abuse or misuse of interview techniques, inadequacy of data collection methods and reliability of data. The methodological approach and data collection techniques are important in research and form an important aspect of study (Simon, 1985). The case study approach is especially useful in analysis of business environments and perceptual mapping techniques are used for marketing research. Focus groups and surveys are used as other preferred methods of data collection, especially within business environments (, 2006).


Interpretive research can be considered as an important aspect of qualitative analysis, although as with all qualitative data, subjective bias can be a deterrent in the validity of such approaches. In studying research methods, it would be necessary to highlight the differences between qualitative and quantitative methods although it has also been argued that an integrated approach to social analysis could close in the gap between quantitative and qualitative methods and both these methods could be used for social research studies. In fact there may not be a specified correct method of research as each method seems to have its strengths and weaknesses and these factors should be examined carefully before a particular method is selected or used for studying a social process. 




Champion, Dean J. (1981) Basic statistics for social research / Dean J. Champion. 2nd ed. New York : Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan


Papers For You (2006) "P/B/685. Qualitative research methods", Available from [22/06/2006]


Papers For You (2006) "C/B/397. Critically assess and compare the strengths and limitations of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Use concrete examples to support your arguments", Available from [21/06/2006]


Strauss, Anselm L. (1990) Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques / Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications,


Simon, Julian Lincoln.  (1985) Basic research methods in social science / Julian Simon, Paul Burstein 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill,

C/M/530. Longitudinal Tracer Study

C/M/529. Research Approaches and Techniques

C/M/526. Qualitative research in health and safety

C/PS/36. Psychology qualitative research evaluation

C/PS/34. Qualitative Research Methods in Organisational Psychology

C/B/613. Article Review: Donald Sull's and Martin Escobari's article "Creating Value in an Unpredictable World"

C/M/496. Philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research

C/M/494. Primary and Secondary Data

C/M/493. Qualitative and Quantitative Research

C/M/492. Mail Surveys

C/M/491. Focus Groups

C/B/659. Questionnaire design

C/PS/32. Qualitative research methods in psychology

C/B/598. Quantitative Analysis: Surrey & Hampshire Restaurants

C/B/573. Article Review: 'The Crisis of Performance and Turnaround Management in Public Organization' by Jas and Skelcher (2005)

S/N/115. Explore the value of participant observation as a qualitative research method in the study of sport

C/M/420. A Critical Review of the Article: "The Rise of the PR Industry in Britain, 1979-98".

E/B/287. Analysis of 'Case study' Research method

E/M/197. What are the main strengths and weaknesses of Van Maanen's account of work at Disneyland?

S/HR/90. Method of participant observation in revealing the causes of high staff turnover

S/S/63. Participant observation method: ethical and technical aspects

P/B/808. Research through interview: online vs. offline

P/P/282. Philosophy and methodology of organisational inquiries

P/B/685. Qualitative research methods

C/B/397. Critically assess and compare the strengths and limitations of qualitative and quantitative research methods. Use concrete examples to support your arguments.

P/S/117. Is there a correlation between age, gender and exercise?

P/B/613. Review of research methods

P/EC/24. Data collection techniques: issues of reliability

C/HR/78. Methodological Critique of the Article on ÓGender and Class Relations in Tourism EmploymentÔ

C/B/337. Evolution of Lake District and Reasons of its Success as a Frequently Visited Place

P/B/481. Problem structuring methods

C/M/277. Use of Perceptual Mapping for Consumer Research

S/HR/65. Planning Behavior and perceived control of time at work. Critical analysis of a paper from Academic peer-reviewed journal

C/N/28. The advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative research

E/M/29. Theory of leadership and methods of research

P/B/443. Research methods: case study

P/N/62. Humanistic approach in geographical research

P/M/415. Strengths and weaknesses of qualitative management research

P/S/77. Criticism of ethnographic research

S/B/77. "It would be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that one research approach is 'better' than another. This would miss the point. They are just 'better' at doing different things". DISCUSS

C/M/204. Methods of inquiry, research methodology

C/M/188. Applying interpretive approach in marketing study

C/B/235. How focus groups and interviews can be effectively used in Management research

S/S/72. A Methodical review of Badfellas; Crime, Tradition and New Masculinities by Simon Winlow in 2001

P/S/59. Quantitative analysis of public opinion in Northern Ireland

P/S/58. Theories of knowledge and research methods

P/B/333. Data driven methodologies

P/B/329. Qualitative and quantitative research methods in business research

P/B/299. Triangulation as a method of social research

S/B/62. Theory and methodology behind the qualitative and quantitative methods in business and management research

P/B/283. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: advantages and disadvantages.

P/F/202. Analysis of Surveys as a Research Tool in the Two Articles

P/F/201. Analysis of the Research Methodology of the Article

P/L/28. 'All institutional facts are ontologically subjective, even though in general they are epistemologically objective.' (Searle) Discuss with reference to law.

P/B/240. With appropriate examples from the field of criminology, critically discuss the main theoretical, epistemological and ontological considerations in a quantitative research approach.

P/B/187. Critical evaluation of questionnaire; interview and case study research methods

P/F/158. Methodological Critique of Two Financial Articles

S/B/23. Accessing the Strengths and Weakness of Positivist and Interpretative Research Paradigm

P/M/186. Explain what is meant by positivism. Explain its relationship to quantitative methodology

P/M/189. Explain what is meant by interpretivism. Explain its relationship to qualitative methodology

C/B/100. Focus Groups

C/B/101. Cognitive and Conative theory of Focus Groups: American and European Perspective

C/B/50. Evaluation of different research strategies

Y/B/12. Research Methods

Y/B/13. Qualitative Research. Discuss some of the implications of qualitative methodology for sampling, questionnaire design, interviewing, data analysis and interpretation.

Y/B/14. Focus Groups and Projective Techniques. Evaluate the contribution of qualitative research, and in particular focus groups and projective techniques, to marketing decision-making.

Y/B/15. Sampling. Discuss how you would construct: A quota sample and A stratified random sample. What are the benefits and problems associated with using each of these sampling procedures in marketing research?

Y/B/16. An analysis of quantitative data will have a focus which is one of 3 possible types: Descriptive; Estimation; Hypothesis testing. Use a survey of supermarket customers to illustrate the difference between each of these phases. Provide examples of the nature of analysis that could be carried out in each phase and describe the techniques that would be appropriate. There are many formal statistical testing procedures available for making comparisons. Discuss the factors that would lead you to choose one test in favour of another.

Y/B/17. Describe what is meant by confidence limits in relation to statistical estimation, and discuss factors that will affect the width of a confidence interval.

P/B/43. What are the new opportunities of research offered by Internet?

P/B/96. Analysis of Observation Study applied to consumer behaviour

C/B/86. Why should the structure of the world market for coffee as a primary product differ so radically from the retail market for branded coffee products?

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