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Flexible Employment

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The labour market experiences of older workers have changed markedly in recent decades. Men in particular are on average leaving work earlier. This is where flexible employment plays a role. People who lose their jobs in their 50s and 60s have found it increasingly difficult to re-establish themselves in a career. Economic inactivity among this age group has grown, whether resulting from people taking early retirement or from people losing their jobs and getting discouraged in the search for a new one. Many commentators have been asking whether there are alternatives to the experience of an abrupt and perhaps premature departure from work, a form of transition that can prevent valuable economic potential from being tapped in a period in which the younger labour force will be shrinking. Here comes in the concept of flexible employment. (JRF, 2007)


Some of the increasing number of people leaving work before the official pension age is likely to benefit from more flexible jobs that bridge the gap between permanent full-time work and retirement.


Research indicates that certain advantages seemed to enable some people to leave work as a positive choice. Workers over 50 were more likely to leave jobs if they had been with their present employer for longer, and therefore were more likely to have accumulated savings and pension entitlements. So were those who had paid off their mortgages. On the other hand, people were more likely to leave full-time jobs if they had health problems, especially low-paid men. For this group, ‘early retirement’ is more likely to have been the result of an inability to stay in employment, rather than a positive choice to leave it. As men get older, the probability of leaving work increases sharply. While the researchers did not have the data to test whether this was due to age discrimination, it is certainly consistent with that interpretation. (


Women also became increasingly likely to exit employment as they got closer to state retirement age. As with men, they were also more likely to leave if they had health problems or owned their home outright. Unlike men however, older women were more likely to stay in permanent full-time employment if they were in relatively good jobs.

(JRF, 2007)


Outlawing age discrimination and introducing policies for flexible retirement are goals of the UK government.  “There are too many men and women in their 50s and early 60s who would like another job, but because of age discrimination find it almost impossible to get one. There’s something ridiculous about being told at 53 or 54 that you are too old when you have another 30 years of life ahead.” Here comes in hand the concept of flexible employment combining a balance between work and home life through flexible working practices. (Flexibility, 2006)


To end, the development of flexible employment practices such as job-sharing, working from home, and flexible employment is part of the approach to the management of diversity and guarantees equal opportunities for all. (Highland, 2006)



Joseph Rowntree Foundation, “The role of flexible employment for older workers.” 

Available from: findings/socialpolicy/343.asp


Flexibility, “Flexible working in an ageing society.”

Available from:


The Highland Council

Available from: employment/flexibleemployment/

S/HR/175. Dissertation. Role of flexible working arrangements in employee motivation

C/HR/197. To what extent are companies discharging their obligations to employee stakeholders through the mechanism of flexible working?

C/HR/148. Organizational Attitudes and Practices: the Benefits of Flexible Working and Matching Employer-Employee Needs

S/HR/121. Future of Compressed Weeks and Flexitime in Operations Environment

S/HR/114. Theoretical approaches to subcontracting

S/HR/112. Subcontracting: evolution and outcomes

C/HR/113. Dissertation: Relationship between Flexible Work and Psychological Contract

P/P/318. Philosophy of time and non-standard working patterns

P/HR/290. Flexibility in employment: theory, reality, advantages, disadvantages

S/HR/88. Identify the tensions and possible contradictions with the concept of flexibility

P/HR/282. Changes in UK employment policies

C/HR/97. Management and Family Friendly Contracts

P/HR/239. Telework: types, advantages and disadvantages

P/HR/194. Work-life balance policies in UK

C/HR/84. Labour Flexibility of UK at Macro and Micro Levels

P/HR/149. Teleworking and call centres: pluses and minuses

P/HR/140. Dissertation. Employee motivation: flexible working arrangements

S/HR/34. Flexible Employment

P/M/135. Flexible working practices and business process re engineering initiatives have heralded the end of traditional careers and working lives. Critically evaluate the effect of this shift on organisations whose emphasis is on intellectual capital and knowledge work rather than physical capital and physical labour

P/HR/65. Discuss the proposition that the costs associated with the greater use of flexible, temporary forms of employment outweigh the benefits?

P/HR/57. Effect of functional flexibility upon the contemporary workforce

D/HR/10. Flexible employment - present and future perspectives

P/T/16. To what extent is the need for employee flexibility in the Tourism and Hospitality (THL) Industry compatible with the goals of HRM?

P/HR/47. Advantages and Disadvantages of Workforce flexibility HRM approach

P/M/135. Flexible working practices and business process re engineering initiatives have heralded the end of traditional careers and working lives. Critically evaluate the effect of this shift on organisations whose emphasis is on intellectual capital and knowledge work rather than physical capital and physical labour

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