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The Euro and the European Union

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The adoption of the single currency, the Euro, was a bold move in a number of ways. It put paid to earlier fears of countries bailing out to preserve their beloved currency, but it also saw off a potential headache of having to deal with scheming robbers and Mafiosi  waiting to pounce of the large amounts of cash that was transported within the Euro zone in preparation to the E-day- when the currency was launched. The adoption is considered by some as the most important act of European institution building since the idea of closer integration among European countries resulted into the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957 (Dyson, 2000).

After the launch of the Euro in 1999, attention was now turned to the hitherto neglected question as to whether the treaty in place provided ample legal background for the European Union integration. One of the earlier obstacles faced were that the European Union was just a political project designed as an economic one (Crouch, 2000). The same problem confronted the new currency, the Euro. Was it designed just to serve as a counterweight to the US dollar? The fact is that the collapse of the Bretton Woods system brought profound exchange rate problems among many Euro zone currencies, which could have hindered the process of economic specialization and the tearing down of tariff walls across borders in Europe (Crouch, 2000). The European Monetary Policy was established to deal with this problem, but faced difficulties in the wake of financial deregulation among many European economies.  Adopting a single currency presented an opportunity to bring back stability among European currencies.

One might argue that the adoption of the Euro is a backdoor attempt to create one coherent aspect in the European Union.  The European Union is reputed to be completely bereft of any sort of identity. It is unlikely that a region as diverse as the European Union will find a 'European' identity to replace the national identities of more than 25 member states. In fact, such an attempt to create a European culture is more likely to be met with resistance, driven by the desire to preserve national based difference. But of course such an argument would be flawed as a currency can hardly be considered to be such spellbinding cultural tool, and many people are known to use different currency without really being overly concerned on its origin.

Not all member countries use the Euro. The United Kingdom and Belgium were given special derogation that allows them to stay out of the Euro unless and until their respective governments decide otherwise. Sweden did not, and may have to introduce the Euro in the future.

Pro-Europeans suffered a setback in 2005 when attempt to bring the European Union member states closer together came cropper when the French and later Netherlands voters voted non in a referendum to adopt a comprehensive European Union constitution. But the European Union has been a magnet to many countries, with several still waiting at the reception to be invited in. 



 1. Crouch, C (2000). After the Euro. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

 2. Dyson, K (2000). The Politics of the Euro Zone. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

C/E/174. The extent to which the anticipated benefits of the European Single market have been realized

C/E/172. EU – Political or Economic: tension between social policy and trade

C/E/168. Economic and Political Implications of EU Enlargement

S/E/124. European dimension of activities of non-profit organizations

S/E/117. History and impacts of European Monetary Union

S/E/92. Effects of common currency on European banking system

S/E/90. Competitive markets and competition policy in the UK and European Union

S/E/132. The impact of the Enlargement Policy of the European Union on Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC)

S/P/209. Liberal Democracy

S/P/208. Federalism

S/E/122. Do you think it is possible to accurately define the term 'Euroscepticism'?

S/E/116. Introduction of Euro: advantages and disadvantages

E/E/63. Advantages and disadvantages of the European Union

C/E/140. The Eastern Enlargement vs. the accession of Turkey

E/E/44. Discuss the theoretical arguments for and against free trade. The EU has recently set limits on imports of clothing from China. Identify the main winners and losers from this action and, in the light of your discussion in (a), consider whether the EU's policy is justified

S/E/85. Discuss the economic and social implications of EU enlargement eastwards: would a simple free trade agreement with central-eastern European countries have been a better option?

E/E/39. Discuss the main Benefits one might expect to accrue from monetary union in Europe

E/E/31. Effects of corporatism: evaluative analysis

P/E/506. Effects of EU economic integration

P/P/306. Lobbying and democratic deficit in EU

P/E/484. Reforms in European competition policy

P/E/482. Will Britain benefit from entering euro zone?

P/F/492. Cultural issues of International accounting standards

P/E/476. Single European currency: benefits and problems

P/E/474. Economic effects of EU enlargement

P/E/470. Pros and cons of UK joining Euro zone

P/E/455. Establishing pan-European e-government: issues of interoperability

P/E/453. Application of Bolton and Roland in evaluating Turkey’s entry to EU

P/E/451. Impacts of the EU 2004 expansion

P/E/447. Social policy models within European Union

P/E/446. Differences in tax systems between EU members: reform proposals

P/E/428. Implications of EU Constitution for European Commission

P/P/267. Relations between Spain and European Union

P/E/422. EU foreign policy overview

P/E/421. Issues of EU budget and UK rebate

P/E/420. European Community: reforms of Stability and Growth Pact

C/E/119. The European Union and The Republic of Turkey

C/E/115. Agriculture and the CAP of EU

P/E/410. Impacts of integration and EU regional policy

P/E/407. Impact of EU sugar policies on developing countries

P/E/403. European competition policy: history and current challenges

P/E/402. Models of European and US growth: comparative analysis

C/E/111. FDI in emerging economies: the case of EEC

P/E/400. Issues of wholesale finance

P/E/396. Who supports introduction of Euro in UK?

C/E/105. How did “New Labour” contribute to the economy?

P/E/372. Agenda setting power: European Commission vs. European Council

P/E/365. Implications of joining European Monetary Union for UK

E/E/15. EU import limitation policy in light of trade theories

E/E/14. Barriers for integration into Single European Market

P/E/354. Applicability of EU regulations in member states

E/E/13. Implications of EU enlargement for UK

P/E/349. Dissertation. Relations between EU and Turkey

P/E/348. Dissertation. How does migration from new EU member states influence UK economy?

P/E/335. Successes and problems of EU integration

P/E/327. Migration in Europe: motives and implications

P/E/326. History, trends and forecasts in Euro value movement

P/E/325. What are possible implications of adopting Euro in Britain?

P/E/305. EU competition policy: implications of constrains over businesses

P/E/300. EU policy and European socio-economic models

C/E/93. Eurozones performance: Germany, France and Italy.

C/E/92. How well has the Eurozone performed over the last 3 years? What roles did the European governments and European Bank play in this performance?

C/E/90. Reforms of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) in European Agriculture Sector

E/E/11. The Role of the European Union in Health and Healthcare

C/E/87. Has the creation of Eurozone been successful? Analyses of the role of ECB and European governments.

C/E/85. Recent developments in Macroeconomics of euro zone and European Central Bank Policy

P/E/294. Turkey: implications of joining EU

P/E/279. Static and dynamic gains of a custom union in EU

P/E/268. Prospects for Turkeys entry to EU

P/E/241. Masters Dissertation. United Kingdom and Euro: To Adopt or Not To Adopt (the analysis of crucial factors)

P/E/203. European Union: civilian power vs. military force

S/E/42. The European Monetary Integration: the īSnakeŽ and the reasons of its failure

C/B/520. Is commercial property market in Lithuania still growing?

P/E/276. Political and economic implications of European enlargement

P/E/168. The European Central Bank and Price Stability within EMU


P/E/141. European Economic Integration: Monetary and Fiscal Policy within European Monetary Union (EMU)

P/E/139. Lobbing in EU: the Case of Electricity Liberalisation

P/E/117. Presentation. UK Manufacturing: Impact of Globalisation and European Union

S/E/27. Analyse the problems to be likely experienced by the countries which to most of their foreign trade with nations in the Single European Currency area but which do not adopt the Euro as their own national currency.

P/E/85. Single European Market: How Successful It Has Been So Far?

S/E/23. Should Britain have joined the European single currency in 1999?

P/E/72. Dissertation. The impact of EURO towards the French People

S/E/22. Has the creation of the Single European Market (SEM) been a political success?

S/E/37. Should The UK Adopt The Single Currency?

C/E/10. Is it correct to view the single currency as a move too far in the process of European Integration?

P/E/12. 'As the only directly elected European Institution is the European Parliament, the European Union cannot be described as democratic.' Discuss

P/E/25. European regulation and investigation of how supermarkets responded on regulatory change.

P/E/35. Single European currency: advantages and disadvantages; British perspective: reasons for and against joining single currency.

P/E/41. Economics of the European Union (EU). What barriers must be removed in the European Union to ensure the free movement of goods? Explain how this will help trade between member States? How has the standardisation of fiscal policy helped establish the single market? Explain how the European Social Policy has attempted to ensure citizens can work and provide services in a Member State within the European Union. What restrictions do exist within the European Union, with regards to the free movement concept of the Single European Market?

S/E/14. European Monetary Union and Optimum Currency Areas combined with an IS/LM framework

P/E/50. Latin America and European Community

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