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E-Tailing - Online Retailing

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E-tailing is the practice of selling retail goods on the internet. It is the abbreviated version of “electronic retailing” which essentially constitutes business to consumer transaction. While the concept of online retailing or e-tailing is no longer in its nascent stage; it continues to evolve, as advanced e-commerce applications act as a potent catalyst in the development of e-tailing.


The idea of online retailing or e-tailing which almost every net-savvy individual is familiar with; offers a convenient mode of shopping online and the consumer gets to choose from a diverse range of products and services as opposed to the analogous physical shopping experience. Furthermore, online retailers or e-tailers get to expose and sell their products to a global audience through their e-stores. (also termed as online stores, internet shops, webshops etc.)


The E-commerce industry plays a vital role in its growth and development. The consumer or buyer is usually provided with detailed information and description of the product which helps them make a judicious choice before making an online purchase. For consumers who face a paucity of time or want a diverse range of products to choose from, e-tailing proves to be an ideal option. Every e-tailer wants his/her share of domain amidst the vast World Wide Web galaxy. Due to the intense competitory quotient involved, every e-tailer out there wants to offer their customer/buyer a smooth and pleasant shopping experience. Therefore, e-tailing is just not restricted to putting up products for sale for consumers to buy. As consumers today are well-informed, it is understood that they would make a well informed decision as well. This involves a fair amount of product research, price comparison and checking the credibility of the e-store.


To remain on the higher rungs of e-tailing, the e-tailer needs to make the entire product package attractive and make customer satisfaction its foremost priority. Every product should include a detailed description and should be made available with an honest price tag. This by far is the most significant aspect; or the e-tailer ends up losing its customers. Advanced security features for on-line shoppers is another must-have so they are assured they are dealing with a reliable web-store. Trust and security are essential elements that enhance the functionality and credibility of any e-tail store. Establishing an online store is a much cheaper alternative to a physical store. However, significant amount of expenditure is incurred for promotional purposes. This is an indispensable strategy which determines the success of any e-tail store. Some online stores also offer live chat facilities with their representatives for help and other queries. (Tribuneindia, 2003).


Typical consumer behaviour involves searching for products and services on the search engines like Google and Yahoo!.  Being listed on a search engine not only enhances the web store’s visibility, it also conveys an impression of the website’s professionalism and greatly contributes towards generating traffic and subsequent sales. By recognizing consumers’ shopping patterns and tastes, retailers are tailoring the shopping experience for its customers. Additionally loyalty programs are offered to frequent buyers to enhance the click to buy ratio. According to the data released by comScore networks “total Internet spending, including travel, hit $143.2 billion in 2005”. (TheClickZnetwork, 2006).


With advances in e-commerce technology, e-tailing is getting more refined and continues to fine-tune itself in an attempt to surpass consumer expectations.





Burns, Enid, The ClickzNetwork (2006) “Online Retail Sales Grew in 2005.” 

Available from: 

Accessed: 10/24/2007


C, Jay, Buzzle Intelligent life on the web (2004) “E-Tailing: An online shopping experience”

Available from: 

Accessed: 10/24/2007


Schappell, David, SearchCIO (2000) “CIO Definitions”

Available from: sDefinition/0,,sid19_gci212079,00.html

Accessed: 10/24/2007

C/EI/42. E-Tailing: Its impact on retailers and customers

S/EI/34. Dissertation. Online shopping

C/EI/31. The Impact of Online Music Downloads on CD Sales

C/M/447. A comparative analysis of the online portals of leading supermarket chains based on an average shopping expenditure pattern.

S/M/288. Consumer behaviour towards online shopping

E/EI/40. Debenhams: investigating retail and e-retail models with regards to Debenhams, Uxbridge

E/EI/29. Trying clothes online: proposal for Topshop

E/EI/23. Compare e-tail store of Debenhams with retail store of Matalan

P/EI/100. Apple and Dell: comparative analysis of e-tailing strategies

P/EI/96. Website for Jewellery Company

P/EI/80. Buyer’s perception of risks associated with online shopping

P/EI/63. Sources of price dispersion in e-tailing

P/EI/56. Levi Strausss: e-commerce problems and solutions

P/EI/55. E-commerce in British Airways and Travel Supermarket

P/EI/46. Master's Dissertation. Online Shopping for Groceries

C/EI/19. E-retailing of Tesco and Sainsburys

E/EI/13. Trust in e-commerce

P/EI/44. Entering e-market: Vs. Barnes and Noble

P/B/342. Starting up an Internet food shop

P/EI/41. Online Food Retailing

P/M/168. Research Project: why do people purchase, or do not purchase online?

C/EI/11 Application of Electronic Commerce to Retailing (e-tailing)

P/B/27. Strategic Analysis of

P/M/121. Comparison of retailing and e-tailing activities of Currys

P/EI/17. Dissertation. Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce (including project proposal)

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