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Change Management

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Business organisations continually face major changes in their operations from the application of new technologies and processes. Successful changes mandate the interaction and participation of all the people involved. This is called change management and it is frequently quite complex as business operations expand on a global scale. The ultimate goal of change management is to adapt the people and processes to the organisation’s advantage without jeopardizing company stability. (Home.ATT.Net, 2006)


Change management is a framework with which a company can manage the people involved. A combination of tools to manage both individual and organizational changes are utilised to ensure that changes are both fast and effective. The principles that provide the basis for change management include:


Systematically addressing human considerations because changes can be somewhat unsettling for people at all organizational levels. Management is always looked to for direction, support and strength. When company leaders adapt to changes themselves, this motivates the remainder of involved employees.


Involving all organisational levels as they move from initial strategies to implementation. Departmental leaders and group team members are identified. Teams that work well together are positioned for success in their assignments.


Involving every tier by identifying leaders throughout the organisation and exporting design and implementation responsibilities downward so that it filters throughout the company. The leaders in every tier must endorse and foster management’s vision.


Formalising the change process by developing and distributing a written vision statement that will encourage alignment between team members, team leaders and management.


Developing ownership in changed processes through leadership that creates a positive view of the new ideas. This ‘ownership’ requires that leaders accept full responsibility for making ‘change’ happen and is very vital to successful change management.


Communicating clearly about all the issues and the value of changes to the company and all it’s employees over the long term. Never assume that everyone involved truly understands all the issues.


Detail the cultural aspects as they affect each area of the organisation. This will bring out any conflicts or areas of resistance to the changes being made. Be explicit in definitions. This is especially vital when the organisation is multi-national in nature.


Always be prepared for surprises because no change management program goes precisely as planned. This is a transformation process that will require continual reassessment especially if major shifts are made in mid-stream.


Communicate with individuals so that they feel an important part of the change management process. To do this successfully, people need to have some ownership in the organisation’s progress. (Strategy+Business, 2004).


Don’t lose sight of the fact that change management is designed to organize a somewhat confusing situation. Never assume that it is organized and disciplined. Make it so by adapting to the points highlighted above. There is a great deal of highly detailed, point-by-point instruction available online via the Internet that just can’t be adequately covered in a brief article. If you are in the midst of your first ‘change’ experience, these articles by company professionals are well worth reviewing.




Nikols, F. (2006) “Change Management 101: A Primer” Home.ATT.Net

Available from:

Accessed: 10-25-07


Jones, J. (2004) “10 Principles of Change Management” Strategy + Business

Available from:

Accessed: 10-25-2007 

C/M/590. Role of change consultants in the process of change management in large scale organisations

C/M/588. Change Management: Using a Change Agent

S/M/305. IT and organisational change

C/M/555. Air France: Change Management

S/M/291. Change Management in IBM

C/M/534. Hephaestus Corporation – Managing change

C/M/528. Air France: Change Management

C/M/518. Alteration of Identity as an Application of Change Management at Hephaestus Corporation

C/M/502. Critically discuss, with reference to academic literature, the possible psychological responses of employees to major organisational change at Seagas

C/M/501. Organisation Change in Seagas – Case Study

S/M/281. NHS – Managing Strategic Change

C/M/488. Approaches to managing change

C/M/471. Easy Moves: Mobile Phones Implementation issues

C/M/467. Leadership and Change Management

S/M/321. Critically Evaluating the Literature on Leadership and Explaining its Relevance to the Effective Management of Change

C/M/439. Critique on Soft Systems Methodology: GlaxoSmithKline

C/M/426. British Airways: Change Management Proposal

C/M/424. Change Management: The Case of Marks and Spencer

C/M/415. Change and Knowledge Management: Driving Change in Schneider Electric

C/M/402. Proposal. Change and Knowledge Management: Schneider Electric

C/M/384. Proposal. Change Management at Vodafone Germany

C/M/380. Change Management: Modernist and Post-Modernist Perspective

P/M/765. Change management and organizational development

P/M/640. Literature review on managing innovation and change

S/M/242. Balfern Products plc

P/M/604. Change management problems in Polyflow Plastics & Packaging

P/M/603. Change management in conditions of takeover

P/M/584. Theoretical and practical approaches to change management

E/M/64. Innovation and change in Mobil Oil Australia Private Ltd

C/M/289. Strategic Management: Management of Change and M&A

C/M/288. Soft System Methodology

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