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Services Marketing Delivers Intangibles Instead of Products

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Services’ marketing is selling relationships and value rather than the capabilities of products. While a product is tangible in nature, services are intangible. It doesn’t provide a physical presence that you can touch and feel. For example health insurance provides a certificate or policy as physical evidence that you have it, but the insurance itself is based upon a good faith relationship between insurers and the insured. Moreover, services are perishable in the sense that they can be here today and gone tomorrow. Finally, you do not get ownership with a service, since it is just an experience. And you cannot sell it once you have used it. Western economies have experienced a decline in their manufacturing industries (products) while, at the same time, services have replaced them. Thus, the marketing mix has seen an extension and an adoption into the mix referred to as physical evidence, people and process.  (Marketing Teacher.Com, 2007)


To ensure successful business, services marketing executives and managers must understand these characteristics thoroughly. They must be clear about how they affect the behaviour of their clients and also how their businesses can respond to minimize engagement risk, enhance customer perceptions of their services and increase market opportunities for a greater share of market. They must be able to determine ways to communicate the services process to customers effectively and to convey details about the deliverables and benefits in order to instil client confidence in their offerings. These tangible signals of the quality and value of their services are achieved through personal interaction with clients, clear communications, recommendations from others, pricing and the businesses physical operating environment.


Creating tangibility for the intangible

A degree of tangibility can be provided to intangible services marketing through solid corporate identities such as logos, the quality of descriptive sales materials and the confidence and honesty projected by sales and marketing people. Pricing can also be used as an indicator of quality where high-end prices suggest quality and low-end prices have the opposite aura. Nevertheless, any sense of tangibility must extend well past pricing and promotions. The client usually measures quality of a service in terms of the ‘chemistry’ that develops in personal relations with the company’s representatives. If trust and reliability are conveyed through services marketing, this is a successful first step. Then, if the provider delivers on brand promises, the message is fully delivered. ( 2006)


In services marketing, clients often anticipates that the service will be provided is a certain way or by a certain individual. This is a challenge for service marketers in assigning the appropriate staff, process management and making certain that representatives in relationships with customers and prospects have displayed the proper knowledge, attitude and appearance when providing the requested service. Services marketing professionals should therefore encourage the client’s participation during the service delivery process by engaging him in interviews, testing, strategy discussions, testing and updates when required. These interactions build customer confidence and build his commitment to the company. They go far toward ensuring repeat business.



Marketing Teacher.Com (2007) “What is Services Marketing?” (on-line)

Available from: lesson_services_marketing.htm

Accessed: 10-21-07


Coldren, Cynthia (2006) “Four Factors That Distinguish Services Marketing.”

Available from:

Accessed: 10-21-07

C/M/627. Service Marketing: Case study of Mobil

C/M/606. Issues in the Service Delivery Management: Case study of EAT.

C/M/450. British Airways – Services Marketing

C/M/443. Making service accessible: Vodafone

C/M/441. Services Marketing: Air Travel Sector

E/M/196. Individual Report of the Case Study – Sullivan Ford Auto World

E/M/145. Services marketing: theory and examples

S/M/171. A Service Failure - can organisation ever recover?

P/M/673. Sustaining differential advantage in service business

P/M/628. Customer relations in water services market: case study

P/M/586. Use of IT in customer service

E/M/59. Customer research in restaurant business

C/M/278. The Analysis of General Electric Medical Systems

S/M/143. Consumer behaviour in the financial services environment

P/M/472. Marketing approach in NHS: strengths and weaknesses

C/M/253. Dissertation. The importance of service training for the improvement of service quality

P/M/419. Competition in financial services

C/M/234. Service Quality in Financial Services of HSBC

C/M/197. Important marketing issues for car insurance companies

P/M/348. Service industry: customer orientation

S/M/86. An Insight into Sainsbury's, with Emphasis on their Service Concept

P/PS/31. Customer satisfaction and service quality

C/M/142. Dissertation. Measuring service quality in a Hotel

C/M/140. The importance of the standardisation of service encounters process: the case of the fitness club

S/M/51. Critically appraising a service encounter that you have experienced

C/M/116. Servicescape Development for a Coffee Shop

C/M/108. E-marketing of financial services: relationship approach

C/M/107. Blueprint for excellent customer services for UK shopping centres

C/M/104. Investigate the ways in which financial services firms can get to know their customers better and how they can evaluate their performance in delivering quality services.

P/M/226. Evaluation of the Service Operations of the Restaurant TGI Fridays

P/M/217. Intangibility of Services: application for driving instruction industry


P/M/174. Service marketing in theory and practice

C/M/74. Discuss the factors marketers working for a service company need to take into account when formulating a services marketing mix.

C/M/35. What can (has) marketing achieve in financial service companies, what are the key issues?

C/M/36. Using a SWOT analysis, justify such investment in marketing programmes by UK retail banks: HSBC Bank

C/M/30. Using a SWOT analysis, justify investment in retention marketing programmes by UK retail banks. Prepare the report with recommendations to HSBC bank on the formulation of marketing strategies into customer retention Your report should include a macro and micro environmental analysis

C/B/89. Analysis of in the context of service marketing

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